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Week 2. Technology and Technics
Let's talk about technologies in Shangri-la!
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Most of the things that surround us is an extraordinary example of such technology networks. The world of Shangri-la has changed due to technologies, are they supposed to give a salvation as well?
Even a jar of pickles is a network of technologies:
• preservation
• glass craft
• communication

The word "technology" is originally Greek and means art, craft, technique. It's something practical: creation, making. Technologies are practical relations formed after multiple exercises and improvements. As a result, we have tools and artifacts that go with particular practices.
why do we need technologies?
  • creating home, habitat
    Fire symbioses cooking food and meeting around the hearth. the Hearth is the heart of a home, cooking started the development of people as a species. Fire is also connected with myths about technologies. Food techniques have produced many technologies, became the foundations of industrial chemistry and thermodynamics
  • improving people's physical abilities as bodily extensions
    Technologies articulate and extend human capacities. For example, a jet boat is another version of swimming or walking, it enables people to do it faster and changes both the environment and our perception
  • synchronizing abstract concepts
    Clocks and universal measurements preserve conceptual abstractions of space and time and provide short-term predictable results. It enables synchronized global technological development. Global trade would be impossible without synchronized clocks. We could not peacefully trade without agreeing on measurements
  • providing the equipment
    One more technology is an environmental suit we see in "Shangri-la". Characters are equipped to deal with the world. These suits allow extending the character's bodily capacity when they leave the city and go into uninhabitable jungle. Of course, they only need this because technology has transformed the atmosphere and made the forest inhospitable
  • protecting
    Sea walls prevent Duomo and Akihabara from flooding. They both contain and connect the city to the outside world. Being a boundary is an important aspect of this connection
  • creating infrastructure
    Technologies are systems of support and transport (roads, bridges, wires, mobile phone towers) embedded and submerged in our lives as invisible networks

On the one hand, technologies extend human capacities; on the other hand, their consequences create new limitations. They preserve culture and give it conditions for flourishing
On the one hand, technologies extend human capacities; on the other hand, their consequences create new limitations. They preserve culture and give it conditions for flourishing
  • This article contributes to contemporary philosophy of technology by carrying out a diffractive reading of Ernst Cassirer's "Form und Technik" (1930) and Gilbert Simondon's Du mode d'existence des objets techniques (1958)
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  • Doctorow, Cory. Technology is making the world more unequal. Only technology can fix this. the guardian, 2017
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