1. Relations amongst organisms and with their physical Environment 2. Political movement attempting to mitigate damage to these relations and patterns
Tilda Publishing
1. Relations amongst organisms and with their physical environments 2. Political movement attempting to mitigate damage to these relations and patterns
ecological thought
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• everything is connected • changes how we do things and how we think
Tilda Publishing
• everything is connected • changes how we do things and how we think
duplexes and dualities
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• ways of patterning thought • ecological thought disrupts duplexes
Tilda Publishing
• ways of patterning thought • ecological thought disrupts duplexes
the relation
Tilda Publishing
• a basic element of every ecosystem • thinking tool
Tilda Publishing
• a basic element of every ecosystem • thinking tool
Descola, Philippe. The Land Within: Indigenous Territory and the Perception of the Environment. Copenhagen: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. Pp (2005): 22-35