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WEEK 4. Robots and Androids
this week is all about robots. we're going to talk about two animes: "Time of Eve" and "Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou". so, let's begin!
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"Time of Eve" is an excellent anime about a cafe called "Time of Eve" and its visitors. The only rule of this cafe is "No discrimination between humans and robots". It's hard to tell who is a human and who is an android there. However, outside the cafe, in this world there is discrimination between humans and robots

Grounds for discrimination:
  • Robots take humans' jobs
  • They do better than humans even at creative tasks
  • They can replace humans in personal relationships
main characters
Rikuo gave up piano because a robot played better. He has a complex relationship with their family's android, Sammy
Rikuo is really curious about sammy but at the same time he treats the robot like an appliance
Masaki, a friend of Rikuo, used to have a close relationship with a robot named Tex who broke his heart
Masaki's father
Masaki's father got jealous of his son's relationship with the robot and forbade their communication. Then he created the Ethics Committee, an anti-robot organization
Nagi is a barista, she wants robots and people to live peacefully together
  • Even a fake decency can start a real transformation
  • Beliefs about ourselves and others are easily disrupted in the communication process
  • We should learn more about ourselves and the others
  • Robots and people can take care of each other

Now that we have more and more robots in the XXI century, the ideas presented in this anime are worth remembering
Now that we have more and more robots in the XXI century, the ideas presented in this anime are worth remembering
MAP OF Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
"Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou" is a realistic science fiction about our post-apocalyptic future where nothing much really happens

Alpha is an android
Alpha runs a cafe by the seashore
She has a neigbour named Ojisan
flooded city
The climate has changed: the sea levels are rising
In this world, it doesn't matter if you are a robot or a human. In the end, people are just trying to get by and appreciate the simple gifts of living. Turns out, it is still possible to enjoy each other's company even though you are living in the ruins of the civilization.

So take a moment, get offline and enjoy today's beautiful sunset!
So take a moment, get offline and enjoy today's beautiful sunset!
  • Japan is considered to be the most highly robotized society in the world, which at the industrial level at least is certainly true. There are presently some 250,000 industrial robots employed in Japan, which is more than in any other country, and this number is expected to double in less than five years, and quadruple in ten. Furthermore, according to a claim that has been around at least since the early 1960s, there is a 'love story' between Japan and robots (Koestler 1960). The Japanese are said to love robots, while Westerners tend to fear or at least to be wary of them, and many studies show that social acceptance of robots is higher in Japan than in Europe (Hornyak 2006). Japanese newspapers are always eager to report that someone invented a robot for making sushi or a robotic bed for elderly patients that transforms into a wheelchair. Robots in everyday life are seen as useful helpers rather than potentially dangerous rivals
    Dumouchel, Paul. Technical Individuals and Systems. NatureCulture 2017
  • Hiroshi Ishi­guro builds androids. Beautiful, realistic, uncannily convincing human replicas. Academically, he is using them to understand the mechanics of person-to-person interaction. But his true quest is to untangle the ineffable nature of connection itself
    Mar, Alex. Love in the time of robots. Wired. 2017